Filipinos are known for having a big appetite when it comes to wheat meals. That is why it's not surprising that they can prepare numerous recipes that everyone can appreciate. Besides, they also love to give so much effort to innovate various foreign cuisine and put their touch to create their new versions.
Moreover, did you know that aside from grain meals, they are also fans of noodle recipes? Yes, that is certain. They believe that serving noodle recipes on their dining table can give them a longer life. Besides, they adopt these beliefs in the Chinese people who introduce different noodle recipes to them. One of these noodle recipes is the Miki Guisado ( egg noodle braise) that we will present to you for today.
Notably, they are notorious for having different delicious recipes and preparing various occasions such as weddings, birthdays, fiestas, anniversaries, and many more. Giving credit to their ancestors didn't forget to bring this meal on every occasion, maybe because it is their way of showing respect to their ancestors or treasuring the beliefs that bequeathed to them.
Furthermore, setting aside this theory, this Best Miki Guisado has an excellent taste that everyone can't resist. This flavorful dish has an excellent reputation in the market. Not only having easy preparation, but it can produce a flavor that any individual can enjoy. Besides, upon navigating, you can choose different variations that can meet your taste, especially your cravings.
To give you some knowledge about this kind of noodle dish, join us as we provide a lot of information regarding this course. We ensure that this data contains the right information to guide you in preparing this egg noodle braise course.
What Is Miki Guisado
For your information, Pancit Miki Guisado Recipes are a kind of dish that uses egg starch mixture as its noodle ingredient. It is a kind of noodle that has a thick, fresh, and wet texture. It can be a counterpart of udon of the Japanese. In preparing this dish, you need to saute the noodle mixture with other ingredients like Kikiam, meat, tofu, and some vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and bell pepper. You can also add salt, pepper, and soy sauce to taste.
In the past centuries, before the Spaniards came and conquered the Philippines. Their ancestors learned how to prepare this dish while trading with the Chinese people. “Pian I sit” is the derivation word for pancit, which means “something conveniently or easy to dish up,” a Chinese expression in the Hokkien dialect. It can also refer to “fast eats” in the present time.

Furthermore, Did you know that Chinese people take this course as their go-to meal? Yes, that is right. Because it's convenient and easy to prepare, they consider bringing it to their business meeting with their Filipino clients. Alternatively, Chinese peddlers use grain instead when they have a shortage of starchy ingredients.
Hence, in using grain as a noodle, Chinese people built a tight bond with the Filipinos. As a result, they become associated with giving information about eats, ingredients, and most cooking. Thus, it became the birth of thick noodle dishes in Philippine cuisine, including egg noodle braise, as a variant.
Ways to Cook Pancit Miki Recipes
There are a lot of ways when it comes to the preparation of meals. For some reason, many individuals create different varieties based on how they want it to be.
Thus, even though it has many differences, the taste and savory are the prime matters. Although it is somehow confusing to other people, what's important is how you want it for yourself, considering what's favorable for your family and loved ones.
To give you some knowledge about this matter, we will provide you with the variations to better prepare your dish. Although these recipes are all delightful, it's for you to decide which course can be more suitable for you and your family members. We hope that these recipes can result in an outstanding deal.
Classic Pancit
You can consider this dish as the original and authentic among them. It is the origin of all the variety that we're going to introduce in a while. For making this dish, saute the noodle mixture with other ingredients like Kikiam, tofu, pork, and some vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and bell pepper. You can also add salt, pepper, fish sauce, and soy sauce to taste.
It is the easiest and typical way to prepare for this egg noodle braise course. It can be simple to prepare, but it has a taste that can boost your appetite somehow. You can serve this, especially to your grandma and grandpa, because it is the taste they used to have when they are younger. It can bring back the memories they have in the past, particularly their happy moments with their parents while preparing for the same course.
Stir Fry Pancit Miki Recipes
Somehow, this version is slightly different from the preview ones. Mostly, this course serves in the restaurant. It requires more skill to prepare this dish because it needs more substantial fire and hands-on stirring and mixing to achieve the necessary texture and taste. The right amount of flavor and texture can result in an outstanding outcome for this meal. But on the contrary, more attention can be demanded because more vital fire can cause burn and overcook the ingredients. That is why skillful personnel is the only one who can proceed to this dish.
Thus, don't lose hope. If you want to have this course, the practice can help you a lot. There is no limit to learning things. You can do it your way if you focus on your goal, cooking this kind of dish.
Instant Pot Egg Noodle Recipes
There are some instances that you don't have time to prepare your meal. That is why finding more efficient ways can benefit you the most. The best example for that is, preparing instant meals that don't consume a long time.
Instant Pot Egg Noodle Braise is one of the options that you can include in your menu. It is easy to cook a dish that can also give a good flavor that you might like. This course does not need a long time to prepare. But before you proceed in the cooking of this course, make sure that you have an advanced preparation of its ingredients that stock in your refrigerator.
For its preparation, you only need to boil your instant starchy noodle and drain it after. Then, put the seasoning and the other ingredients that you prepared and stocked in your refrigerator. Put it together in one pan and carefully and quickly stir it. In less than 5 minutes, you can achieve your preferred noodle dish and enjoy the taste of it without any trouble.
Variation Of Miki Guisado
Some variations of this egg noodle braise can complement the taste you want to make your pancit Miki. There are various ingredients that you can add to your egg noodle braise courses. But to come up with those ingredients, you need to consider some precautions that can affect someone’s needs, beliefs, and other essential matters.
In some cases, they prepare it in different variations because they have allergies to some ingredients. They have religious beliefs like Muslims that can't eat pork, mostly ingredients in these recipes. And they don't want many add ons ingredients, or they just want to have a lot of cravings in one dish.
These variations can still give outstanding taste and flavor that can satisfy individuals who want these recipes. Adding some flavorful ingredients can level-up their expectations in these kinds of courses. To make it more precise, join us as we introduce these various delightful variations that can help you ease your cravings. Including these recipes on your menus might give an excellent result.
Egg Noodle Course Using Rice Noodles
We all know that the Philippines has abundant production of grains. It is not surprising that there are a lot of eats that use it to develop other ingredients. Rice noodles are one of them. These starch dishes become an alternative ingredient for Egg Noodle Guisado. It is cheaper than egg noodle dishes and is not complicated to use. On the contrary, canton noodle is way more starchy, expensive, and contains higher calories than this noodle. That is why you can save much more than using canton noodle dishes.

Moreover, wheat noodle is more digestible than canton. That is why it can also benefit your body, most especially your stomach.
Furthermore, Chinese peddlers are the ones who introduce this cuisine to the Philippines’ ancestors because, at that time, they didn't have much money to buy Miki. Thankfully they discover that wheat noodles can be an excellent alternative for that. And at this moment, this course is continuously included in the Philippines’ cuisines.
Pancit Guisado with Bola-Bola
Bola-bola is known as meatballs. It is a lump of ground pork meat and shaped into small balls. It is sometimes along with the ingredients such as bread crumbs, minced onions, butter, egg, and seasonings. You can also prepare it by frying, steaming, baking, or braising in sauce.
Moreover, meatballs use different kinds of meat and spices. It can be straightforward and use vegetables and fish as an alternative. You can also use chicken and vegetables to make your version of meatballs. Also, considering beef maybe is an excellent deal.

Besides serving it as its own, some recipes use it as a garnish and additional ingredients. Spaghetti, pizza, and starchy soup are examples that use Bola-bola to add more savory to their courses.
On the other hand, did you know that it can be part of making Miki Guisado? Yes, that is certain. Some people use this Bola-bola as one of their ingredients to add flavor to their dish. They put it in the pancit as a garnish together with the vegetables.
You need to saute the Bola-bola, Kikiam, tofu, and vegetables into the pan and add the noodles for its preparation. Put salt and pepper to taste. After some time, it is ready to serve and eat. You and your family can enjoy the unique taste of this dish.
Egg Noodle Course With Lechon
Lechon is one of the delicacies that the Philippine has. Many places in that country have a different variation on making their unique style of preparing this Lechon. Originally, Lechon is a whole pig with lemongrass inside its stomach, roasted into the charcoal’s calm fire, and carefully rotating it to balance the entire pig’s preparation process.
Furthermore, there is no doubt that Spanish people have a big part in the Filipino cuisines, like this Lechon. Lechon is a Spanish word for a roasted baby piglet that is still suckling milk from their mother. It is famous in different countries like Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and other Spanish-speaking countries.
In the Philippines, serving Lechon on different occasions becomes traditional, especially on birthdays, Christmas, and New Years. It is also considered an unofficial national dish for them. There are two primary styles to prepare their Lechon. The Manila style Lechon and the Cebu style Lechon. Manila represents Luzon and Cebu for the Visayas.

For the Manila style, their preparation for it is not complicated at all. They just rub salt and pepper into the whole pig and put it into the woodfire to prepare. Also, they don't place stuff inside the stomach of the pork. Maybe because they just want to appreciate the natural taste of the pig. They also provide liver-based sauce to add a more savory effect to give the Lechon an excellent flavor. The liver-based sauce is a combination of vinegar, brown sugar, salt, pepper, liver spread (mashed liver), bread crumbs, garlic, and onion.
On the contrary, the Visayan version is fussier. Visayas people put so much effort into flavoring their Lechon. They include herbs, scallions, bay leaves, peppercorns, garlic, salt, lemongrass, and leaves from citrus trees or tamarind trees, among other spices. Usually, they use charcoal for preparing their Lechon. Besides, given its flavorful taste, they also use minimal sauce like chili and vinegar or Chilimansi (chili and Calamansi) for dipping purposes.
Hence, their preparation in flavoring is different—these two styles of rubbing salt and pepper similar. It also results in crispy skin on the outside and tender in the inside Lechon.
To get back to our star dish, you can also put some Lechon over the egg noodle braise. It has a flavor that can complement the taste of the course that you might enjoy. The tenderness of the meat and the Lechon’s crunchiness can give an incredible texture and savory that could satisfy your cravings.
Egg Noodle Course with Chicken
Chicken is one of the most accessible ingredients that includes different varieties of courses. It contains a flavor that can boost your appetite to eat more. It also has excellent nutrients that your body needs. Its juices can give a savory effect and upgrade the dishes that include chicken as an ingredient.
To add more knowledge, most of the time, chicken is one of the eats that include a healthy diet because some parts have a low content of calories. Every cut of it per 3.5 ounces contains extra calories, such as chicken breast that contains 165 calories, chicken thigh with 209 calories, chicken wings with 203 calories, and the chicken drumstick with 172 calories.

Moreover, chicken is an excellent source of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. It also provides vitamins mainly from the B complex, including niacin and vitamin B3 necessary for the metabolism of fats and sugar in the body. Also, it has low cholesterol, not including the skin.
Using chicken into the pancit Guisado recipes can level-up the taste and give a more delicious flavor. The combination of this course can result in excellent chow that everyone can enjoy. To prepare this dish, saute the chicken and the vegetable in a pan. Wait until it slightly rustled up, then add the noodle mixture and seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. After a short period, you can serve it nicely to your dining table and eat it with your family, friends, and loved ones.
Egg Noodles with Seafood

Saltwater edibles lovers might appreciate this kind of dish. Given the noodle's delicious taste, adding more soft roe savory can result in an overwhelming flavor. To prepare this dish, you just need to saute the soft roe like shrimp, squid, scallops, or any roe that you like, in a pan. After that:
- Add the noodles.
- Stir the ingredients and adjust the flavor.
- Put some salt and pepper to taste. You can also add some vegetables if you want.
Furthermore, did you know that seafood has a lot of nutrients? It can be a part of a healthy diet of an individual. Many vegan people use different kinds of milts to create a dish that is appropriate for them. It has docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content beneficial to a person’s neurodevelopment and cognition, especially the young ages. It can also reduce the mortality from coronary heart diseases.
Moreover, this dish provides a top delightful taste and an excellent nutritional value that is adequate for your health, especially your body. That is why trying this at home is favorable for you and your family members.
Vegan Miki Noodle
Some individuals are cautious about eating healthy eats, like vegan people. For them eating greasy and fatty ingredients can affect your body and cause severe illness. That is why they eat nutritional edibles to avoid that from happening.
For the preparation of this course it is merely a counterpart of the traditional egg noodle braise practice. The only difference is putting out the pork ingredients that the traditional dish has. This vegan dish is more on having countless vegetable ingredients. It is like a Chop Suey dish (mix veggies) with noodles. It might be yuck for fatty lovers, but for them, it is outstanding.
In preparing meals, there is always trouble that needs an adequate solution. In this section, we provide some of the convenient remedies you can perform to resolve your concerns. Trying these solutions can help you to serve your course without any trouble. To know more about these, keep navigating and take a glace below.
- Too bland
There are some cases where your dish’s seasoning is not enough or entirely tasteless. It might affect the appetite of the person who eats this kind of course. To give you a solution, for that matter, put some salty seasoning that might help you adjust your mixture’s flavor. You can use soy sauce to add saltiness to your dish. But, ensure that you put the right amount to balance the taste. It can be more trouble if you put more than the exact amount that you need.
- Too salty
Some people can’t control the measurement they need to do when preparing courses. That is why trouble arises instantly—like this problem, having a salty mixture. Saltiness is not only trouble when it comes to preparing edibles, but also, it has inadequate benefits for your health.
When preparing meals, ensure that you prepare the right amount of your seasoning you’ll put into your dish before starting. But if you wrongly put so much, it can result in a salty taste. To resolve that matter, you just add some hot water into your dish until it is slightly drying and stir it carefully. You can also use unsalted broth and liquid stock as an alternative to water. It can also give an additional flavor and taste to your mixture.
Trivia for Pancit
In this section, we provide some of the information you might know and want to know. Below is the different information that can help you learn more about our star dish. And also, the content benefits that it has that might be important and for your body.
- This noodle dish can provide you less than one hundred kilos to burn.
- This noodle itself has carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar that can convert as your energy.
- The meat you’re using to prepare this dish has protein and fats that can help you grow your muscles.
- Lastly, the vegetable you’re using in your course contains many nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, and sodium that your body needs.
Having additional knowledge in preparing this dish is an advancement. To guide you more about this preparation and give you advice for making this course, join us to provide you with some guidelines to prepare this dish.
- Ensure to buy fresh ingredients in making your dish. For the noodles, choose the recently made because it’s safer than the other noodles that stock in a long time.
- It is not advisable to char your noodle dish. Knowing that noodles can absorb liquid quickly, that is why giving your attention needs the most.
- When preparing this course, it’s preferable to prepare the ingredients first before putting the starchy eats. Because if you put all of it at the same time, it can cause trouble for your starchy edible while achieving the other ingredient’s right texture. The starchy eats can become soggy at the end.
- Always remember that starchy stuff is easy to prepare and dont need a longer time to boil.
- You can also use Oyster sauce to add more taste to your dishes.
Best Served With
Pairing this dish with other eats can result in excellent experience and enjoyment. In this section, we provide some recipes that can complement the taste of our star meal. To give you an idea of what we are referring to. Let’s get started!
- Rice - we all know that every dish that is pairing this grain becomes a perfect catch. The plain taste of this grain can go with the taste of this wheat noodle taste. These two can keep you from eating more because of its delectable effect.
- Fried dishes - any fried dish can complement the taste of any recipes like this starchy meal preparation. The fried dishes’ dry texture can be corporate by your wheat noodle dish and result in an excellent match up.
- Pineapple juice - the sweetness and refreshment of the pineapple juice can reduce the greasy feeling in your mouth. It can also neutralize eating high cholesterol edibles.
- Softdrinks - it can have a pleasant taste together with the starchy meal. Some people demanded more carbonating drinks than juices for some reason.
- Puto - traditionally, it is the partner of every noodle dish that the Philippines has. Its straight and sweet taste can complement the saltiness of the noodle dish most.
We hope that this noodle course can have a reservation in your menus. You can serve it to your family, friends, and loved ones. You just need to follow all the instructions that we give you to achieve your demand course. Even though it has a lot of variation, the most important thing is you can prepare and enjoy this dish anytime.
Moreover, you can consider the tips and troubleshooting in this article if trouble occurs when you don't know how to deal with it. It can guide you to resolve your problem. You can also try the recipes that can be the perfect match for this course to test different sides and compatibility with the other recipes.
So, to end this here, we thank you for reading and saving the information that we provide. We hope that you start to create your version of this dish. Share the enjoyment of eating this course. Bon Appetit!
For more delicious recipe, visit Eat Like Pinoy!
Superior Pancit Miki Guisado Course
- 1 lb Miki
- ½ teaspoon Fish Sauce
- 1 pc Tokwa (tofu) cubed
- 3 pcs Kikiam sliced
- 5 pcs Bola-bola sliced
- 5 pcs Baguio beans sliced
- ¼ Cabbage
- ½ teaspoon Crushed Black Pepper
- ½ cup Shrimp
- 1 pc Carrot quartered
- 1 pc Chayote small, sliced
- 4 cloves Garlic minced
- 2 pcs Onion sliced
- 2 tablespoon Cooking Oil
- 1 cup Water
- 6 pcs Calamansi
- Heat oil in a pan. Put the Tofu, Bola-bola, and Kikiam in a pan and fry until lightly brown.
- Sauté garlic and onions. Add the shrimp, crushed black pepper, and fish sauce.
- Add water and bring it to boil. Then, put the chayote, carrot, and fried tofu, kikiam and bola-bola. Bring it to boil.
- Put the Miki and cabbage. Stir and simmer for 3 minutes.
- Serve with calamansi or lemon and enjoy!