You are not a true Pinoy if you don't know how to create broiler and pig meat adobo. Philippine Adobo is the most popular Filipino menu and unofficial National Dish of the Philippines.
This food is famous for being served on different occasions and regularly, with different preparing styles and versions. Broiler and pig meat adobo is a hit and a favorite not just for Filipinos but also to foreigners and other nations.
This article will be learning something that we may not know yet about Broiler and Pig meat Adobo. It will be about what made it famous and other added ingredients to enhance recipes like this. Also, what other food it is perfect for serving with, and many more.
Though many of us already know how to prepare Broiler and Pig meat Adobo, there are still people who don't know. If you are still clueless about how fantastic recipes like this happened, let us learn together as we will help you prepare broiler and pig meat adobo.
What is Pork And Chicken Adobo Recipes
Adobo is one of the iconic recipes that represent Filipino food worldwide. In all the Filipino food list you can find, it will always take the top place in your search exploration. You can use different kinds of meats in making this dish. The commonly preferred meats are broiler and pork. But why not have them both for the broiler and pig meat adobo kind of recipes combo you could ever have.

Chicken and Pork Adobo involves meat in a brine solution with vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and black peppercorns. Usually, "Dahon ng laurel" (dried bay leaves) is added to enrich recipes' flavor and aroma like this.
Even before, Filipinos often prepare their food with sour wine to prolong shelf lives simply because we live in a tropical country where the weather is very unpredictable.
In the late 16th century, the Spanish people discovered the adobo preparing process when they colonized the Philippines. They also applied the term adobo to any native recipes like this and were marinated before preparation and consumption. Eventually, recipes like this have been adapted to different parts of the country, making it adobo like recipes until developed and named adobo.
Pig meat and chicken adobo are undoubtedly one of the favorite recipes for the elderly and the new generation. How can we not love recipes like this? Given its unique taste and super-easy way of preparing with ingredients easily found in your kitchen.
We listed below the ingredients you will need to accomplish this delicious and authentic broiler and pig meat adobo meal.
- Broiler and pig meat- broiler meat and pork are the main ingredients when making broiler and pig meat adobo. Both of them are rich in protein and are the powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals needed in the body. Broiler and pig meat have mild flavors making it a perfect pair for recipes like this.
- Soy sauce- this is the most important condiment used in making your sauce. It helps build the distinct flavor and taste of the broiler and pig meat adobo. It is also a perfect marinade, used in sauces for meat and vegetables, and commonly used as a table condiment. Soy sauce is an ideal source of vitamin B3 and certain minerals such as iron, phosphorus, and manganese.
- Vinegar- vinegar is a must-have ingredient in making your broiler and pig meat adobo. It does not just prevent food from spoilage but can also give magic in improving the flavor of recipes like this because of its acid content, filling in for missing ingredients, and giving the food a diverse taste. It can also serve as a substitute for salt since vinegar is sodium-free. Vinegar also has excellent benefits to our body, such as improving blood sugar control and blood lipid levels.
- Dried bay leaf- commonly known as "Dahon ng laurel," is used in preparing for their distinctive flavor and fragrance. It is pungent and has a sharp, bitter taste, but when added to recipes like broiler and pig meat adobo, it strengthens the flavor and aroma of recipes like this. Bay leaves contain enzymes that help digest food faster and have Vitamin A and C, iron, Vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium.
Variations of Chicken and Pork Adobo Recipes
Adobo is exceptionally versatile; that's why don't be afraid to add something that you think will improve it supremely.
Broiler and pork adobo with potato is one of the many varieties and styles the Philippine adobo has.
The addition of potatoes as part of the ingredient is a way of increasing the food's volume to be prepared. It practically serves as an extender when the meal you have made is insufficient to produce a large serving of recipes like this. The addition of potatoes to recipes like this does not just increase its volume but also gives us health benefits we might not think of.
Potatoes have significant amounts of fiber that help lower blood cholesterol, decreasing the risks of heart disease. It also supports heart health with Vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 contents.
Furthermore, you can add hard-boiled eggs to this broiler and pig meat adobo with the potato menu. This combination is too perfect as you can imagine.
Chicken Adobo and Pork with Pineapple Recipe

Without a doubt, adding pineapples to recipes like this is worth the try. Pig meat and chicken adobo with pineapple might be your next favorite version of adobo. Most refer to recipes like this as the Hawaiian version of broiler and pig meat adobo.
Pineapple is the second most loved tropical fruit globally, making it the most versatile fruit to eat raw, simmering, and make beverages such as juices, shakes, and smoothies.
Pineapples added to different dishes give those a new flavor and can be a bit of twist with a sweet taste. The pineapple provides a combination of sweet and sour taste to this dish. If you have younger siblings or children in your home, they will surely love this variant.
Pineapple juice and pineapple chunks are added to this dish, making it a sweet and salty tasty sauce. Follow the same procedure in making broiler and pork adobo except with pineapple juice in the mixture when preparing the sauce. Moreover, when both meat types are ready and tender, it is now added with little pineapple chunks.
Along with the flavors, pineapples can bring our dishes, which has excellent advantages for our bodies.
Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C that serves as an immune system booster. It is also suitable for the eyes as it has vitamin A, which helps in healthy vision.
Likewise, it maintains cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of hypertension, and can also help in weight loss. With these benefits, we can get from pineapples who would not love it more now that we have learned about it.
Adobo Barbeque Style
Although we love the idea of having this meal with that tasty black sauce, we would like to introduce a new version of this favorite viand. This version is somewhat accidental. Usually, Pinoys love to do meals in high heat to speed up the preparation time. But, unfortunately, some would neglect the meal on fire, leaving it to sauce drained up. Even so, the taste of the meal did not change at all. Instead, it became a new kitchen sensation.
Now, because of that blessing in disguise scenario, it evolves to being barbecuers in the grill as well. It turns out to be so delicious that you would love to dig more rice with it. In making his Barbecue erosion, simmer the sauce separately. Use the original menu ingredients and just set aside the meat that you are going to use. After simmering, set aside. After that, marinate the sauce to the finished sauce and then grill it. Once you have finished grilling, see with rice and our goods to go. The grill marks will amaze you, by the way.
Troubleshooting Filipinos Favorite Recipes
Unavoidable mistakes still can happen even though recipes like this are very manageable to make. Assuming that we are not all professionals in this field, it is okay to experience it sometimes. Here are some remedies to help you in fixing your chicken and pig meat adobo.
- Because of the soy sauce content of this dish, sometimes it leads to becoming too salty. And if that happens, vinegar can fix it and adjust the saltiness of the dish. The addition of sugar can also balance it out, providing a bit of sweetness.
- In contrast to the salty outcome, if your adobo happens to be sour, soy sauce is added to the mixture. It is to control and adjust the bitter taste rather than give it the dish's salty side.
Trivia About Cooking The Filipinos Favorite Adobo Recipe
Did you know that other adobo variants can be made and other ingredients that can be added too? Adobo varies based on what region it was cooked.
Did you know that there are other adobo variants, and you can include other ingredients too? Adobo varies based on what region creates it.
Halal Certifies Recipes
You may not think of the Muslims eating pork adobo recipes because they cannot eat them. Their adobo recipes are mostly broiler meat, and instead of using soy sauce, they use turmeric, which results in their adobo having a yellowish color.
Seafood Version
Others that live near the waters or beaches use seafood as an alternative for meat recipes. Adobong Pusit is a famous one. Pusit or Calamari is perfect for those who are on a diet. You can include this is because calamari is low in calories and rich in proteins. Also, it has no carbs! We know this is the holy grail in all recipes.
Besides that, it has Selenium and Vitamin E responsible for average body growth and fertility. Aside from that, the right amount of calamari in the body will help fight cancer-causing toxins.
Just a reminder, when preparing Calamari, make sure to eat them fresh. Also, avail from reliable sources. Either local fishers or supermarkets, be sure that you are confident in handling their seafood.
Clean the calamari well. Pull the head off, remove the innards and ink sac, and then separate the tentacles. Scrub the outer part because if not, there will be that itchy aftertaste in your mouth.
Some also make Adobong Palaka (frog), making it an exotic version of this dish.
Others would use shrimp as well in recipes like this. You will be surprised at how soy sauce will match with shrimp. Usually, we prepare shrimp with garlic and butter. But add a dash of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and lots of garlic.
- Local Recipes’ Version
Some also use coconut milk or gata as an alternative for soy sauce. This leaves the broiler and pig meat adobo to have a more creamy kind of sauce. Some also use duck meat in recipes like this. The reason why they use duck meat is that that duck meat has more tender meat than broiler. Simmering the duck meat in coconut milk, it softens even more, making it more creamy and delicious.
- Vegetarian Adobo
In the absence of meat, some locals enjoy what is widely available in their backyards. They use string beans and potatoes as an alternative. The taste is just the same, only that it is healthier. Besides, string beans are a great source of protein as well, just like meat.
Another vegetable that you can try is the bitter gourd. Yes, we know that it is bitter. But you will be blown away once you try this dish. Cut the bitter gourd in slices, add tomatoes. In a pan, saute garlic and onion ten tomatoes. Stir in the bitter gourd. Crack an egg into the pan. Stir it until the egg forms like a scramble one. Then add soy sauce at the end. The discovery of this dish is because of accidentally adding the soy sauce to have a soup.
So, how do you like your adobo? Imagination has no limits when we're talking about adobo.
Tips in Making Filipinos Favorite Recipes
We are sharing some tips to pull recipes like this excellently as you have expected it to be. Tips to level up your broiler and pig meat adobo are as follows below.
- Add a mixture of cornstarch and water to the sauce if you want to have a thick sauce for your broiler and pig meat adobo. Just let it boil until it thickened.
- You can also use oyster sauce as an alternative to soy sauce because it is much thicker than soy sauce. This is only appropriate if you want a more decadent sauce compared to the usual soupy texture.
- When choosing what part of pork meat you will be using for your adobo, the perfect choice is the pork belly. The pork belly is the softest and tastiest cut there is. But if you want a barbecue version. Porkchop and liempo are perfect.
- Simmering the adobo in a low heat range will ensure success. This is because it will cook the soy sauce and vinegar even more. Improperly simmering the two ingredients will result in chewy meat that is hard to eat. It will not be nice to serve unperfect recipes like this to diners.
- Ensure that your meat, especially the pork meat, is tender, soft, and juicy. To do this, let your pork meat boil and simmer on low heat for a little more time than when using the broiler meat. This will also help in making both of the meat evenly tender and soft. Another trick is to add the vinegar once the meat is already tender. Adding it too soon will end up hard, and even if you simmer it for too long, it will not soften still.
- Prepare the meat separately when and combine them before serving. If you want to crisp your meat a little bit, then this method will do the trick.
- If you want your broiler and pig meat adobo to have a spicy flavor, add red chilis to your dish. Ensure that you will add just the right amount of it to be still tolerable to eat. This will help you have more appetite when eating this dish, most notably when served with hot rice.
- If you are a working professional and do not have the privilege to prepare meals, you can use a rice cooker. Yes, we know that it is for rice, but you will be amazed once you realize that you can also prepare meals with this equipment. Just put all the ingredients in the rice cooker, press the button and let it simmer. Check the meat from time to time as well.
Best Served With
Indeed, adobo is a perfect partner for a lot of food. Here are some of what we think is the ideal partner with broiler and pig meat adobo.
- Pancit Palabok- is a substitute for rice, Broiler, and Pig meat Adobo can also be paired with a bowl of Pancit Palabok, giving you a wholly solved meal.
- Creamy Mix Vegetable- since the original adobo doesn't have a vegetable mixture and added with it, a creamy mix vegetable will complete it, making it a healthy meal.
- Sarciadong Tilapia- if you think you're overeating meat in this menu, try partnering it with sarciadong tilapia making it balanced meal seafood plus meat combo.
- Sinigang na Hipon- two of the most famous Pinoy dishes, Sinigang na Hipon and Broiler and Pig meat Adobo, is equal to a perfect combination meal.
- Sisig Tokwa (Tofu) - adobo with sisig tokwa is absolutely a must-try! A bottle of soft drink will also make it even better as a companion.
- Chicharon- the crunchiness of chicharon will be a perfect companion when eating this chicken and pig meat adobo dish.
- Rice - imagine adobo without the soy sauce is just like this adobo meal without rice. We Filipinos always have rice to complete the meal so that we can enjoy recipes like this.
- Softdrinks - who would resist the greatness of this bubbly heavenly beverage? You can serve this beverage to almost every dish known to earth. Any kind will do as long as it is bubbling.
- Iced Tea - If you are tired of having a bubbly drink like soft drinks, a healthier drink is available as well. Iced Tea has that sweet and lemony taste that you will love sipping on after a spoonful of recipes like this.
- Pineapple Juice - If you have the original version of recipes like this and suddenly you crave the pineapple version but don't have the time to do so, then this is a solution for you. Just have the pineapple as a drink.
Whatever the occasion may be or may it be just a regular ordinary day, it's always a perfect idea to prepare chicken and pig meat adobo.
As we have shared with you, by now, we assume that you now know how to prepare chicken and pig meat adobo. We also hope you have gained more knowledge with this authentic and delicious dish, making you even more confident with the excellent benefits of the ingredients used may bring to our bodies.
It is a must that every Filipino should know how to create chicken and pig meat adobo. And now, we rest assured that you are now confident in making your chicken and pig meat adobo at home. Don't hesitate and tell your mom to switch places as you will show them your inner talent in preparing this dish.
Whatever the outcome may be, your version of adobo will always be the supreme of them all. You'll never know that your preparation and version style might be the new trend and might be loved by many.
I wonder what kind of recipes you will be learning next. We will be waiting for you. See you on our next menu!
For more delicious recipe, visit Eat Like Pinoy!
Best Pork and Chicken Adobo Recipe
- 1 lb Pork cut into serving pieces
- 1 lb Chicken cut into serving pieces
- ¾ cup Vinegar
- ½ cup Soy Sauce
- ½ teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
- ½ cup Cooking Oil
- 6 cloves Garlic minced
- 2 cups Water
- 1 pc Bay Leaf
- In a casserole, combine pork and chicken with garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and water.
- Add pepper and bay leaf. Simmer for 45 minutes over medium to low heat.
- Remove chicken from the casserole and leave the pork. Boil for about 15 minutes over low heat.
- Then put-in the chicken again in the casserole and cook for another 5 minutes. Set aside.
- Heat oil in a pan.
- Fry the pork and chicken for 5 minutes or until the meat turns half brown.
- Then remove the oil from the pan and pour the cooked sauce. Boil for another 5 minutes.
- Serve while hot! Enjoy.